Gadar 2: The Sequel that Stole Hearts
“Gadar 2” marks the return of the iconic duo, Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, reuniting to reprise their roles in this highly anticipated sequel. Helmed by director Anil Sharma, the film takes the narrative forward and follows the journey of Tara Singh (Sunny Deol) as he embarks on a daring mission to rescue his son, portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma, who has been captured in Pakistan. Set against the backdrop of historical events, the film is a saga of patriotism, determination, and relentless pursuit.
Box Office Triumph
The box office numbers for “Gadar 2” have been nothing short of extraordinary. On its 11th day since release, the film earned a noteworthy ₹14 crore in India, as reported by Despite facing a slight drop in collections on the second Monday, the film’s total earnings now stand at an impressive ₹389.10 crore (nett). With projections indicating an additional ₹11 crore on its second Tuesday, the film is poised to cross the coveted ₹400 crore milestone in India, solidifying its position among the highest-grossing films of all time.
Records Shattered
“Gadar 2” is not only enthralling audiences but also rewriting box office records. On the second weekend of its release, the film achieved a remarkable feat by recording the highest second-weekend collection in Bollywood history. During those three days, the film garnered an astounding ₹90.47 crore, breaking the previous record held by Prabhas’ “Baahubali 2.” The film’s remarkable performance is a testament to its enduring appeal and the overwhelming response from moviegoers.
Sunny Deol’s Emotions
Sunny Deol, who has been an integral part of the “Gadar” franchise, shared his emotional journey surrounding the film’s success. The actor revealed his initial stress before the film’s release and his heartfelt reaction upon witnessing the audience’s love for “Gadar 2.” He expressed, “When the movie was released, I cried and laughed the entire night. My father was around and he saw me. I told him, ‘I have not had alcohol. Main khush aa main ki kara (I am happy, what can I do).'”
“Gadar 2” is not only a film but a phenomenon that has captured the hearts of millions across the nation. With its captivating storyline, powerhouse performances, and record-breaking box office collection, the film stands as a true testament to the enduring appeal of Indian cinema. As it inches closer to the ₹400 crore milestone, “Gadar 2” solidifies its place in cinematic history and leaves an indelible mark on the industry.